Stay Hungry

How bad do you want it? There are no shortcuts to greatness. Only blood, sweat and years of deliberate practice and delayed gratification pave the way to success.
If you only train once or twice a week and you expect to be at the same level or better than someone who trains more often, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.
There’s nothing wrong with training only once or twice a week if that is all your schedule allows, but check your mindset before you step on the mats. When you show up after a hiatus, come humble and leave your ego at the door. Yes, there will be new people. And yes if they are training hard and consistent, they may beat you. Jiu-Jitsu is one of the few places in life where life is being lived in the moment, the truth of who you are in that moment and where you are in your journey is revealed and exposed whether you like it or not.
Don’t be upset when you get tapped by a lower belt who might be younger, faster and hungrier than you.
Don’t be upset if you can’t execute a technique you used to be so good at three months ago.
Don’t be upset if you come back after a while and realize your old teammates, some of who you used to have an advantage on, have leveled up and are now beating you on the mats. Be graceful and understand this is part of the journey. Be humble, keep training, step it up, get hungrier, do your best and you’ll get your groove back on – if you want it bad enough.
To help feed your appetite, you will find in this issue plenty of juicy content you can sink your teeth into, satisfy your cravings and hunger for more. First course, we open with an insider look into Black Force MMA, the gym hosting this year’s women’s only grappling event ChickJitsu. One of the largest gyms in Charleston, SC, you’ll be inspired by their formidable team of twenty Jiujiteiras competing at the tournament.
Next, if you are currently expecting or plan on starting a family during your Jiu-Jitsu journey, Professora Vanessa Waltz, first degree black-belt and owner of Gracie Barra Colorado Springs has the scoop on how to train and keep your growing baby safe on the mats during your pregnancy.
Then comes the main course, our complete first-person experiential coverage of Hips & Grips Jiu-Jitsu & Climbing Camps by our correspondent Charlotte McKingley.
And the rest, is desert. Sweet as pie.
What are you waiting for? Dig in. Oss.
– Evelyn Sutton

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