Foxhound Fuel: Train Hard. Stay Sharp.

Product Review by Samantha Schell
When I was originally approached to try the products from Foxhound Fuel, I was a bit nervous for a couple different reasons. The first being that as a professional athlete, I am exceptionally careful about the food and supplements that I consume, because everything I put into my body counts. It all contributes to performance, mental state, recovery, and if I am in a fight camp currently cutting weight, the nutritional info is just as vital. The second reason I am always a bit wary is that due to my clean diet for so many years, anything with artificial dyes and sweeteners (think aspartame or red dye #40) sometimes triggers a breakout of hives or initiates a reactionary migraine. My migraines are so debilitating that I will do almost anything to avoid the onset of another one. So before I eagerly accepted being able to try the products, I decided to do a little bit of homework.
Immediately I went to my ol’ reliable method of information; the internet. I typed the company into my Google search engine and began to read. Immediately I breathed a sigh of relief. Each of the three packets consisted of only all natural ingredients, with the only color coming from natural sources (such as matcha or turmeric) and there was nothing artificially added to the ingredients. I was also pleasantly surprised to see that there was no added caffeine, only from natural sources, and therefore I wouldn’t feel the repercussions of jitters or the tingle that many pre-workouts loaded with beta-alanine cause. Shoutout to whomever did the website layout for Foxhound Fuel, as it was super easy to navigate and understand, which I definitely appreciated.
I opened the package and saw a pre-workout blend, an intra-workout blend, and a post-workout blend to help fuel my hard training days. I just signed for another fight, so what perfect timing then to test them out on a Tuesday, which happens to be one of my harder training days in a fight camp. I prepared 3 of the drinks the night before by mixing them into a standard water bottle, and put them in the refrigerator to access the next day.

Training began with a 5:30 am wake-up call. I had purposely chosen to not have my daily shot of espresso because I wanted a total blank slate to test out these products with absolutely zero outside influences or other mitigating factors. Needless to say, I was eagerly anticipating the pre-workout fuel first thing, which is even labeled as ‘ready’. I do happen to love anything matcha flavored, especially because of all of the additional health benefits matcha powder provides. Those who aren’t so keen on the matcha flavor will be happy to know that the only perceptible flavor is a slight hint of lime and the matcha mainly shows through in the luminescent green color. No clumps and nice and easy to mix made sipping on it during my 1 hour commute to my morning training.
By the time I arrived at my MMA training an hour later, I felt fueled, focused, and determined for the workout session. And man, did I need an extra boost today with the copious amounts of exhausting rounds our coach put us through. Between wrestling, striking, and grappling, all of our limits were tested. But fortunately, that burst of natural energy through the matcha and B-Vitamins kept me going strong.
After about 75 minutes straight of nonstop MMA training and an onslaught of cardio and endurance, I then needed to refuel for an hour of strength and conditioning with weights and kettle bells. It was time to drink the ‘hydrate’ packet of Coconut Mango. Chock full of electrolytes and B-Vitamins sustained by the hydration powers of coconut water, I was ready to keep pushing. Through deadlifts, kettle bell swings, and isolated isometric workouts, I needed to make sure I was properly hydrated and nourished to avoid muscular fatigue and cramps. Especially because I knew sitting in the car during that hour ride home could cause my muscles to tense up and seize if I didn’t properly hydrate my body.
Now that my 2 ½ hour workout was drawing to a close, I needed to recover. I try and lay down for a bit when I get home, applying ice or heat where needed, and give my body some down time to recuperate before doing anything else in my evening sessions. Time for the post-workout “recover” drink mix of strawberry lemonade.
All three of the supplement powders contain electrolytes, to ensure every active athlete and gym-goer keeps their hydration levels up and body able to keep up with their intended workouts and maintain the pH levels necessary to properly recover as well.
This packet contains some of my all-time favorite ingredients vital to a professional fighter’s nutritional plan. Turmeric extract, a natural anti-inflammatory agent and the root cause of the bright orange color of this powder. BCAAs, the branched-chain amino acids which every serious athlete has ingrained deep in them to make sure to consume to aid in muscle recovery and growth, and help with avoiding rapid deterioration of muscle fatigue. Also, glutamine, which is probably in every active Jiu Jitsu athlete’s cabinet for aiding with muscle recovery, digestion, and immune-boosting properties.

All three of the supplement powders contain electrolytes, to ensure every active athlete and gym-goer keeps their hydration levels up and body able to keep up with their intended workouts and maintain the pH levels necessary to properly recover as well. The flavors are all subtly delicious, but my favorite is definitely the matcha lime. I enjoy how it’s perfectly-balanced and not one particular flavor overpowers the other. I am also very happy with all of the immune-boosting properties in each supplement powder, as hard training coupled with weight cuts can often lead to illness, but my health feels stronger than it has ever been and I know if I stay properly supplemented, will not falter in the slightest.
I was able to bring my A-level performance to all of my training sessions throughout the day, and didn’t overly fatigue or suffer any sort of muscle cramps or dehydration headaches. Not only that, but I woke up the next day able to continue into an easy training day without the repercussions of an overly-trained and unable-to-recover body. I know that for the duration of this fight camp (and well beyond that), I will continue to fuel my mind and body with Foxhound Fuel. Especially if I want to bring the best version of myself to each training session and ultimately, my upcoming fight.
Just like its namesake, I will be on the hunt to vanquish my upcoming foe, driven by speed, energy, stamina, and determination. A foxhound has incredible work ethic, and although gentle-looking in nature, is absolutely ruthless when it comes to preying on their intended target. With the right supplement and nutritional plan, there is no doubt in my mind that I will do justice to the iconic animal the supplement is named for, and will remain loyal to the path I have sought out until my goals are reached.
And if you use the code: JIUJITEIRA on a subscribe and save option (which is already discounted 15%) you’ll get an additional 10% off (a total of 25% discount!)

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