Smudge Less

by Vhilena Folger
As women, most of us enjoy wearing makeup. Some use it as an artistic form of self-expression, while others wear it to feel more confident, sociable, assertive and to enhance their natural beauty. While to some Jiujiteiras, applying makeup before a sweaty workout seems a bit silly, it is still a legitimate question for others.
The rugged sport of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a total body workout that has you sweating the moment you step onto the mats. The gi alone can weigh anywhere from 2-5 pounds which only causes the body to sweat even more. The sport has been fairly male dominated for a long time and sweaty men are normal in the MMA world. As the sport becomes more popular, more women find themselves alongside their sweaty male counterparts. Many women in the sport still want to look nice despite the inevitable outcome of looking like a sweaty mess by the end of practice.
While to some applying makeup before a workout seems a bit silly, it is a legitimate question for others. Some women feel more together when their hair and makeup are done. It gives them a sense of confidence and readiness. To others,’ makeup is part of their daily routine and they feel naked without it. Another reason may be more of an insecurity or personal preference, but whatever the reason is, it is still a personal choice.
One of the cons of wearing makeup to Jiu-Jitsu is the likeliness it will smudge or smear on to your training partner’s gi. Many gis are white; mascaras, eyeliners, and brow pencils tend to be black or brown while lipsticks are red or pink therefore the gi will be stained with your makeup. The makeup is likely not a permanent stain, however some still find this to be bothersome. Another con to wearing makeup during Jiu-Jitsu practice can be sweat causing the makeup to run and irritate the eyes. Some makeup when mixed with sweat, can physically burn once it drips into your eyes.
Many may argue that makeup for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is impractical due to the smudging, running, and smearing. However the choice of wearing it, is ultimately up to the individual.
For those who opt to wear makeup to BJJ there are some things you could do to prevent making a mess of other’s gis and your face while participating in this very sweaty sport. For anyone who is pro makeup for workouts, regardless of the sport, it is a good idea to look for smudge proof and waterproof makeups. This is especially true in a close contact sport like BJJ.
Makeup has come a long way over the years. Smudge proof eyeliners, shadows, lipsticks, and brow pencils are now available in stores such as Dollar General, CVS, Walgreens as well as other personal care and beauty products retailers like Ulta, Sephora, and Sally’s Beauty Supply. Using smudge proof makeup will keep your makeup on your face and off your training partner’s gi.
Lastly, the final option for ladies who prefer to come to Jiu-Jitsu made up is permanent makeup. It certainly is a pricier option but definitely an effective method to ensuring the makeup stays put. Permanent makeup is a cosmetic technique which involves tattooing permanent pigment to the surface layer of skin. The goal is to produce the same look as applying non-permanent makeup without the hassle of having to do it daily. Permanent makeup will enhance the brows, lips, and eyes the same way non-permanent makeup will, however it won’t come off at all once it is done. The prices for permanent makeup typically range from $400-$500 per service chosen ie; lips, brows, eyeliner. If you are committed to Jiu-Jitsu as much as you are to wearing makeup, this may be worth the investment on and off the mats.
Whatever the decision, it is important that we respect the choice to wear makeup or not wear makeup. It may seem ludicrous to some that anyone would even consider wearing makeup while working out. The flip side to that is someone who wears makeup may feel it is strange not to wear makeup to train.
When wearing makeup the main thing is making choices that will not stain someone else’s gi. Lipsticks are especially difficult to get out of the material and could ruin a white gi. Always be mindful of this and avoid choosing makeup that will make a mess. If you can live without it and come to practice straight from work, perhaps have a pack of makeup wipes in your gym bag. The decision to wear makeup to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is supported and certainly the choice is up to the participant. Make small adjustments to smudge proof, waterproof, or permanent makeup to keep away from messes and prevent accidental transfer to teammates clothing while training. Finally, train hard and look great; how you choose to do this is entirely up to you.

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