Can I still train while Pregnant?

By Professora Vanessa Waltz
Pregnancy & Jiu-Jitsu
Keeping things in Perspective
Let’s cut right to the question I get asked most often:
Can I still train while pregnant?
Keep in mind, I am not a doctor and am in no way issuing medical advice. Always ask your doctor for advice pertaining to your personal health. These are simply observations from personal experience. Now that that is out of the way, my answer is simply: it depends on how experienced you are. The longer you have been training jiu-jitsu, the longer you can safely navigate the waters of studying while pregnant.
I say this for two reasons. One, if you’re more experienced (purple & above) you’re likely to feel more comfortable setting healthy boundaries with your training partners and know who is safe to work with. Two, you have the capacity to modify techniques and hold a much higher body and movement awareness to keep yourself and baby safe. If you’re a white belt, I recommend taking a break. This phase of BJJ is dedicated so much to defensive movement, over-exertion, and there is a lack of knowledge that can lead to abdominal trauma. Frankly it’s not worth the risk. That sucks to hear because jiu-jitsu is so fun and it’s hard to pause progress especially when our peers get to continue. Remember this: jiu-jitsu isn’t going anywhere! No matter what rank you are, if you feel safer stepping back to focus on being that wholly badass goddess growing life in a different way, I applaud you and encourage you to come back when it feels right for you! I am currently expecting kiddo number two and have been on the mats for just about 20 years. There are a lot of resources available to you for your own research and not to mention all of the unsolicited advice, but here are some things I’ve observed and learned through each trimester and training. I was a brown belt the first time I was blessed with this experience so keep that rank recommendation in mind.
First Trimester
Oooooooh the fatigue! Boy oh boy both of my pregnancies this has been the hardest trimester. Hormones are wild, building the powerhouse for little one, and you may feel like not getting out of bed for days. Honor your body. Grab rest when you can, but try your best to get 30 minutes of exercise daily. OVERHEATING is the main concern for pregnancy and exercise, especially the first trimester.”Overheating in the 1st trimester may harm baby development. Babies whose moms had an elevated temperature during the first few weeks of pregnancy have an increased risk for heart problems and neural tube defects. (Neural tube defects such as spina bifida affect brain and spinal cord.)”
Don’t push too hard. Now is really the time to make BJJ the gentle art. With elevated heart rate and change in blood pressure, really tune in to how you’re feeling. If you get dizzy, faint, or nauseous, take a break! Lower the intensity and take a moment to talk to yourself. Remind yourself that you are not lacking. That this is a very special time and each course is unique. Your journey and YOU are beautiful and your first priority is to be healthy, happy, and hopeful!
Tips to help avoid overheating:
- Stay hydrated! Keep a bottle of water with you at all times.
- Avoid training in closed, hot rooms.
- Splash cold water on face & body to refresh
- Soreness: warm epsom salt bath (not too long), keep a cool towel nearby. Opt for a massage instead of using a heating pad on sore muscles
Second Trimester
Ahhhhhhhhh this one is commonly most favorite. My first pregnancy I was so disappointed that I was still hurling every day, several times a day (which actually lasted until the moment I delivered!) This time around, I see what the hubbub is about and am enjoying this phase very much! A bounce back of energy, less nausea, and midnight hard boiled eggs (just me? lol).
Just because we get a reprieve from fatigue and motion sickness does not mean we can go balls to the wall on the mats! Be very selfish with your priority for safe training. Best not to be going for takedowns at this time in live training, although you can absolutely practice and drill technique if it feels good to you. Be understanding of those who might feel uncomfortable working/training with you! Put yourself in their position: they feel responsible for your safety and more importantly your baby. That’s a lot of pressure! Some feel better to not be put in that position and keep in mind that it has nothing to do with you. Thank them for thinking of your safety and find someone else. If you ever find you’re without a partner, stay and take notes. Talk to your friends, and go for a walk. Some days require flexibility, remember this is a small blip in your life and before you know it, you’ll be rolling and sweating with your team again! STAY HYDRATED and bring a snack for after class to avoid low blood sugar.

Third Trimester
Oooooooooof things get a bit uncomfortable. But amazing things are happening and it’s the final stretch! By now you can feel wiggles and kicks, maybe have a name picked out, and nesting for the next phase of a growing family (not to mention belly!) In my readings, there have been no link to exercise and miscarriage with the exception of overheating in the first trimester and abdominal trauma. Even though we start to see the biggest physical changes in this trimester, exercise is still great for you and baby as long as it feels good.
By now, you might feel better putting BJJ on pause to focus on different exercises, and that’s awesome! A lot of women find yoga, pilates, barre, and water exercises to be a great compliment to pregnancy. Watching technique and comp videos is a great option and will keep your mind excited for Jiu-Jitsu. If you’re still on the mats, it’s flow rolling, modified techniques, and purposeful movements. Competitors: I personally know that it can be difficult to slow down, especially if you have invested a significant amount of time/energy into your career. Let me tell you: RELAX. Try to savor and indulge in every single moment of being a woman expecting. Your career will be there after. As women we are tenacious, fierce, and unstoppable! You CAN enjoy this time AND become champion! Allow your focus to shift and this will be so much more beautiful, enjoyable and memorable. Eat right, get your 30 minutes of moderate daily exercise, rest, and you will be better prepared for the baby and all the ass kicking you can stand after the arrival!!
Keep your pregnancy in perspective: it is yours to experience how you see fit and that’s perfect! Don’t let “missing out” on Jiu-Jitsu stop you if you’re ready to grow your family. BJJ should always compliment your life rather than complicate it. Celebrate the choices that you make for your health, safety, and continued badassness-even if that means not training for a year! Jiu-Jitsu will be there when you’re ready. You got this!

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