Medical Cannabis

by Vhilena Nelson
A growing number of athletes use Cannabis to help with anxiety, injuries and speed up recovery time.
As children, many of us were warned of the gateway drug marijuana, also known as cannabis. We’re told if we smoke marijuana we will likely engage in other illicit drugs. Many of us were given only the negatives of this leafy green drug and none of the benefits. Cannabis consumers are often stereotyped as unmotivated, slackers known as “stoners.” However, research into the reasons why people use marijuana paints a different picture. It demonstrates that the majority of people who use cannabis do so to improve their quality of life.
Cannabis has a variety of effects on humans. It is dependent on the person, the situation, the form and quality of cannabis used, and the method of consumption. According to studies, the majority of people who use cannabis do so in moderation. Most people using cannabis prefer its use over prescription drugs because it has a low risk of physical addiction. Most people use cannabis as part of their daily routine when they believe the results are beneficial. Cannabis has been used by people all over the world for thousands of years for social, medical, and spiritual purposes. These causes are often separate, but they can overlap.
Cannabis is commonly used for social and medical reasons. When used correctly, it aids in relaxation and concentration, making a variety of tasks more enjoyable. People claim that cannabis allows them to enjoy more activities such as eating, listening to music, socializing, watching movies, playing sports, having sex, and becoming artistic. People often use it to help with social anxieties, injuries, and chronic health issues. In a world that bogs us down with constant stimulation, many people struggle to unwind, relax, and enjoy slowing down for a bit.
Medical Use
Anxiety & depression are at an all-time high. Prescription anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications are being handed out and popped like candy. While these prescriptions may resolve some of the initial issues, the side effects and dependency can become a bigger problem. We made a point of interviewing someone who believes passionately in the healing power of medical marijuana. Dr. Anne Lynne Morgan has devoted her life to the health and well-being of her patients through prescribing medical marijuana as an alternative to prescription drugs.
Dr. Anne Morgan, M.D., is a family medicine specialist, and chief medical officer at MMJ Health with offices in West Palm Beach and Melbourne, Florida. Dr. Morgan is authorized by the state of Florida to prescribe cannabis to patients for an assortment of wellbeing reasons. Additionally, she serves on the board of directors for the American Academy of Cannabinoid Medicine. A little more than six years prior Dr. Morgan said she didn’t know much in regards to the medical benefits of medical marijuana. She became interested when a significant number of her patients who already had a medical marijuana card would disclose to her how cannabis assisted with chronic illnesses, cancer, epilepsy, PTSD, and so on. She felt committed as a clinician to do her exploration and become familiar with medical marijuana.
Dr Morgan’s Story
Morgan spent tireless hours educating herself on medical marijuana and its effects on the human endocannabinoid system. Backed by science, she discovered, with the use of medical marijuana, that medical cannabis shows maximum balance in the human body. Dr. Morgan became a strong advocate for the legalization of medical cannabis as she was able to not only witness its powerful positive effects on her patients but also believed in her studies which proved medical marijuana was more beneficial than harmful.
At this time in Dr. Morgan’s life, she could only advocate cannabis healing powers through the testimonies of her patients since she had not personally experienced it for herself. It took a tragic but eye-opening injury to change her world making her even firmer in her support of medical marijuana. Morgan suffered a very serious horseback ride accident which caused several brain hemorrhages, a shattered pelvis, a broken wrist, and broken ribs. She had to be airlifted to a trauma center and was given only a 40% chance of survival.
Her son, Marshall Morgan, who also has a background in medical marijuana, began dosing his mother, who was in a coma, with CBD oil after being informed that if she survived the accident there was a 20% chance of permanent brain damage. Marshall decided the CBD oil was worth the try, considering the neuroprotective properties of cannabis.
Dr. Morgan believes wholeheartedly that she is fully functioning today with no vision, verbal, or brain damage because of the her son’s care and decision to use CBD oil as treatment. Dr. Morgan is now fully recovered and continues to treat patients, however, she is now doing so with her personal experience as another way to relate to her patients and their ailments. Her mission is to heal her patients, not get them high. She feels it is incredibly important to understand the distinction between the idea of using marijuana to get high and using marijuana to heal.
After speaking with Dr. Morgan we have a much clearer understanding of cannabis healing properties and why medical marijuana and CBD are beneficial for a multitude of reasons including recovery for athletes.
Did you know?
Cannabis contains compounds called “phytocannabinoids” that are very similar to compounds the human body produces, called “endocannabinoids.” The cannabis cannabinoids interact with receptors in our bodies to help establish and maintain homeostasis, or balance. These same receptors, when stimulated by the cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, can help alleviate a myriad of injuries and ailments. The most common medicinal benefits of cannabis include:
• Reduced inflammation
• Pain relief
• Brain trauma/neuroprotection
• Wound and bone healing
• Anxiety reduction
• Rehabilitation and recovery
Be Selective
When it comes to medical marijuana, Dr. Morgan emphasizes the importance of understanding what you are purchasing and from whom you are buying cannabis products. Many of us have seen the marketing and storefronts that advertise CBD oils derived from the hemp plant which can be purchased without a medical marijuana card because it does not contain THC. It is important to know CBD oil from hemp can be useful as a topical form of pain relief; it does not affect the human body when digested. According to Dr. Morgan, CBD from hemp is good for animals as a form of pain relief, and CBD from the cannabis plant is good for the human body when managing inflammation and muscle recovery. She does not recommend or agree with purchasing hemp CBD oil for consumption.
Also medical marijuana is very different from what an individual can purchase on the street. What the dispensaries sell are clean, reliable, and grown specifically to heal patients. It’s becoming widely understood through science and the medical world that medical marijuana is an effective treatment plan over many manufactured prescription drugs. It helps to heal the mind, body, and soul and allows its patients to live and function normally on a day-to-day basis with little to no side effects.
Sports Medicine
As it turns out, for some athletes marijuana and wellness go hand and hand. It is not a matter of whether an athlete will have a physical injury along their career, it’s a matter of when. And with an injury, a decent recovery plan becomes even more important. Athletes, professional or amateur, need treatment that permits them to recuperate rapidly, viably, and with as few side effects as possible. Like never before, there’s elevated attention to the dangers of competitions and the drawn-out impacts of concussions, damaged nervous systems, bone injuries, joint pain, and torn muscle tissues. Marijuana is now rising as the new champion medication for all athletes. The option of utilizing cannabis comes as great help to those who’ve been dealing with recurring pain long after an injury. A large amount of narcotics is presently the main source of treatment. Narcotic-based prescriptions have shown to have destructive results with regards to chronic pain management, and the chances the individual will likely suffer withdrawal, addiction, and fatal overdose are high. The rate which narcotics are prescribed to athletes and the increase of opioid-related deaths is alarming.
Under medical guidance patients are paired with a strand of medical marijuana that will best suit their needs. Whether used to combat pain, lessen anxiety or aid with sport-related injuries the use of marijuana is being considered in sports as an acceptable treatment. Athletes looking for a safer, more effective recovery method without the risk of addiction may want to evaluate medical marijuana. Anyone with an active lifestyle can benefit from cannabis. It can help protect against and recover from a multitude of injuries. At the end of the day, it is truly up to the individual how they decide to manage their pain.
Isn’t it nice to know that marijuana is not the awful drug it was conveyed to be, but rather a healer when used responsibly? It is comforting to know that if you are suffering and want to try a more natural route for your health care there is an option without harmful side-effects. Many people who turn to medical marijuana over prescription drugs report feeling calmer, more artistic, sleeping better, and having an overall better existence. While on occasion you may find yourself rummaging through your pantry for some goodies or laughing hysterically at a ridiculous commercial, that is certainly a more pleasant side-effect than those of its pharmaceutical competitors.
To get started with medical cannabis setup an appointment: MMJ Health

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