Glass on the Floor

On January 20th, along with millions of Americans, I watched the inauguration of the 46th President of the USA. Much was different this time. Due to the pandemic, there were no parades or large crowds. Most importantly – for the first time in our history – a woman accepted the second highest office in the greatest country in the world. Finally, for women everywhere, the ceiling is shattered and there’s glass all over the floor.
It only took us 233 years of elections to get a woman in the oval. Kamala Harris is VP, not POTUS, so we still have some work to do. Nevertheless, we are closer now than 100 years ago when women weren’t even allowed to vote in this country. Regardless of how you feel about politics, Kamala is a trailblazer and a very powerful woman.
It’s a new era for every woman and girl who lives in a society shaped by archaic patriarchal thinking. If it wasn’t clear before, it’s clear now that gender is not a measure of anyone’s potential of success in life.
Like our Madam Vice-President, the ladies featured in this issue are very powerful women. They share their challenges, accomplishments and advice in hope of inspiring us to reach beyond limits and ignore the voices of those who would keep us in the dark ages.
Leading the pack, the Aussie beauty, Sophia McDermott graces us with a cover that makes a statement. She bares it all, embraced by the Australian flag and the black belt she fought hard to earn. Sophia reveals her mission to empower women in BJJ and life through a holistic approach to coaching designed specifically for our strengths, emotional needs and psychology (page 6).
I don’t know about your grandma but mine spent most of her time in the kitchen baking treats for her grandchildren. Not Elaine Beiersdoerfer. At 72 years young, she spends time on the mats. Known as the “Jiu-Jitsu grandma”; Elaine is not your typical grandma. See page 18.
Then along comes a pretty and very dangerous lady, Melissa Lohsen, co-founder of Pretty Dangerous and Dark Wolf MMA, our Close Choke interview. Melissa shares her story and the endearing love she has for her partner in crime husband, proving that even the strongest of us can rise higher with the right partner by our side (page 38).
With so many brave women paving the way, it’s easy to feel inspired.
But just in case you’re still looking for another powerful woman, take a look in the mirror. The fact that one day you had the audacity to enter into a sport heavily dominated by men, step onto the mats with a bunch of sweaty guys and, begin your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu journey is all you need to be qualified as a grade-A badass lady.
Allow yourself to get fired up by the stories of these powerful women. Be bold and break the ceiling others have forced upon you for being female. In chess, the king is the most important piece, however, the queen is the most powerful one, as she alone performs more moves than any other. Speak your truth. Know your power. Make all the moves.
– Evelyn Sutton

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