How to Convince Your Friends to Try BJJ

Although Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has become increasingly popular, that doesn’t mean it’s an easy sell to your friends. How many times have you gotten odd looks when explaining what BJJ is? Now, the idea of wrestling with sweaty people while attempting to dislocate a joint or choke someone might be a selling point for some, but not for most. Some people are tougher to sell. Here are a few helpful points to lock in the deal and get your friend to give it a try.
Self- defense
It is a crazy world out there, and crime is on the rise. Knowing how to defend yourself can mean life or death. There are a lot of self defense marketed programs and martial arts so why Jiu Jitsu? Most attacks on women go to the ground, therefore BJJ is perfect. Knowing how to choke out or disable a person is what Jiu jitsu is built for. Taking a one time self-defense course is great, but unless you practice on a regular basis, chances are you will not remember what to do if you need to defend yourself. Becoming proficient at anything takes time and a lot of practice.
Look Good & Feel Good
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu forces you to take a long hard look at your life and make healthier decisions when it comes to your self care and overall well being. Even if you think that you are in shape, BJJ will make the strongest and most fit exhausted. The more you get into it, the more you will evaluate your life and your self care. You will eat better, regulate your sleep, quit bad habits, and your body will thank you. You will look better and feel better.
Stress Release
Life is increasingly stressful. Learning how to effectively manage our stress is of utmost importance. If not properly managed, stress can lead to mental and physical distress, and even illness. There are a number of ways to manage and release your stress, but none quite as fun as trying to choke the crap out of someone.
Self Improvement
A healthy self confidence is good for everyone regardless of if you lack confidence or not. You will learn the difference between confidence and ego. Your ego will be crushed and you will have to face your most vulnerable self. From there you will learn more than you ever thought possible on the mats. You will learn resilience and what it means to be comfortable when uncomfortable. Jiu Jitsu is a tool that can help to make you a better person on and off the mats.
New friends & community
There is no greater bond than that between friends that train together. You have no regard for personal space or care about the exchange of bodily fluids. You hold a mutual respect for and desire to submit each other. Jiu Jitsu is family. Although imperfect as most families, you will make friends for life in this community. No matter where you go in the world, you always have a built-in support system and a large group of people that have your back.

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