Inner Peace

What does it mean?
by Vhilena Nelson
The meaning has already been described, yet it may appear differently to individuals who describe it. When our minds are no longer racing with thoughts of life on this planet, will we have achieved inner peace? Is it something that echoes in our minds like a ghost from the past? Something so powerful that it almost breaks through at times, but never quite manages to focus. The force of its presence can only hint at itself; it hovers just beyond our reach as a long-distance shadow created by an unknown object on the horizon.
Inner peace is a practice that is a constant struggle. An ongoing battle against the self. We must constantly strive for it as much as we live each day. To have inner peace means being able to maintain your calm when faced with any situation or circumstance. You are always aware of what needs to be done while also finding the best option to go about doing it. In other words: living without fear. It’s all too easy to fall prey to our fears. Our minds become consumed by them and we lose sight of everything else around us. We live in a world where anything could happen at any moment. Where every action has consequences. And yet …
…”What if?”
We ask ourselves these questions because they seem important. They make us feel better about the choices we’ve made. About the decisions, we’ve had to face. Sometimes we forget that there are things beyond our control. Things that cannot be changed. This doesn’t mean that nothing matters anymore, however. On the contrary, it means that we must learn to embrace change instead of running away from it. To accept whatever comes our way, good or bad. That is why having inner peace is such a crucial part of life. Without it, we are unable to function properly. If someone were to ask me whether I ever felt truly peaceful, my answer would be yes. Even though there are days when I am overcome with anger, sadness, or anxiety, I know that there will always be another day. Another chance to try again. To get back up after falling. To keep moving forward. So maybe that is what it means to have inner peace: knowing that tomorrow will bring a new opportunity. Or simply accepting the fact that today has ended and tomorrow will begin.
Inner peace gives us the strength to stand strong to persevere until our goals are reached.
Being self-aware of our flaws and shortcomings, as well as forgiving others for theirs, allows the freedom to love yourself unconditionally. Owning your inadequacies while still believing in yourself allows for front-row seating to the bigger picture. Compassion for yourself and others is a virtue that gives us permission to release painful memories, maintain a sense of humor, while never taking ourselves too seriously. Inner peace allows for fully embracing life with open arms. Even when our hearts are broken, there should be comfort in knowing we can pick ourselves up again. As long as there is breath left inside our bodies, we can continue to seek out ways to improve ourselves.
But what does it mean to have inner peace? Does it mean that you are completely happy all the time? That your emotions are always in check? Or perhaps it is simply about learning to let go of negative thoughts, letting go of your worries, and finally finding acceptance for yourself. Have you often wondered what it would be like to experience real inner peace? Is it possible? Can it exist?

Many of us are plagued by self-doubt and insecurities. We are concerned about what other people think of how we speak and what we do. Whether or not we are deserving of love. A constant invasion of thoughts with no end in sight. What if we could block the worry around what others thought about us? Would that allow us the freedom to love ourselves completely and unconditionally? Would we be able to accept ourselves as we are, rather than a preconceived notion of what others expect of us? If we could silence all of our negative inner dialogue, we would be able to hear the voice of our hearts. The voice that instructs us how we should be feeling at any particular time and encourages us to slow down and appreciate all the good that already exists in our lives and all around us.
There is something about inner peace which makes you feel centered and at ease. When you are calm and relaxed, everything feels right. It’s like a warm blanket that covers your mind, body, and soul. Your purpose in life becomes clear. Everything clicks into place. You feel like you have a reason to be here. A reason to keep going. It’s almost like the embrace of the sun has wrapped itself around your shoulders. Like a soft pillow that comforts your head caressing your thoughts with gentle reminders everything is just fine. Like the ocean, inner peace is like the waves that gently roll in and out. Creating a rhythm that calms the soul. Inner peace gives us the strength to stand strong to persevere until our goals are reached.
To have inner peace means being able to maintain your calm when faced with any situation or circumstance. You are always aware of what needs to be done while also finding the best option to go about doing it. In other words: living without fear.
The realization that inner peace is an essential part of life. To seek inner peace and achieve inner peace as a means of living a confident life. Knowing we are capable of anything we speak into the universe. Empowering one another and supporting those around us is the only way to make this world a better place. Sharing our stories of triumphs and our struggles truly allows us to be free of fears and insecurities. To be open and honest with one another, giving people access to our hearts and minds. Exposing our vulnerabilities without the worry of being hurt by others and accepting help with a grateful heart when it’s offered.
If we gave more of ourselves to others our lives would be happier and more fulfilled. We’d be able to handle whatever comes our way. When we are accepting of others it opens us up to their acceptance of us. It allows us to become closer, creating unbreakable bonds. The greatest gift we can give to one another is to love and accept each other. To respect one another, To be supportive of one another, and to allow others to be their authentic selves.
Although pain and suffering are unavoidable aspects of existence, there is something that may be done to give life back to the world around us. Each of us is responsible for discovering our life’s purpose to fulfill the role for which we are uniquely qualified.
Trying to locate the silver lining in every scenario, especially when it’s obscured by clouds. Even though it hurts, grin and hold on to hope and faith.
Finding a way to laugh in the face of hardship while living life with courage and determination. Actively pursuing inner evolution, not only for your benefit but, more significantly, to generate the finest version of yourself as a service to others.
This is what it means to have inner peace.

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