5 Reasons to Compete
At a certain point in everyone’s journey competition is at the very least considered and it should be. You have already crossed over the dark side, You might as well jump head first. Jiu Jitsu is all about being comfortable in uncomfortable situations, right? Competition might not be for everyone in the long run, but here are a few reasons why you should give it a try.
Realizing Your Potential & Building Resilience
Competition provides a safe and controlled environment where we can push ourselves, stay focused and execute under pressure. Pushing ourselves allows us to see what we are truly capable of, and also, helps us grow and evolve in Jiu-Jitsu.
Every match gives us an opportunity to develop new skills such as thinking fast and learning to take calculated risks in real time. While simultaneously, teaching us how to stay calm and focused in chaos. These skills could actually help us survive in life or death situations.
Additionally, competing teaches us resilience. When we continue fighting, even when we want to give up, we are learning how to be resilient- which is an important skill to have in order to thrive. When we become resilient, ultimately, we become mentally, and physically stronger.
Setting Goals & Improving Discipline
Change doesn’t come from a place of comfort. We need to step outside our comfort zone in order to evolve in Jiu-Jitsu. Working toward competition teaches us how to set goals, work toward our goals and develop discipline. Competition forces us to be honest with ourselves, by exposing our weaknesses and learning how to build off them. When we correct our mistakes and grow from them, we can see the potential of our strength. These skills are extremely valuable, and can help us grow in all parts of our lives.
Test Yourself & Your Jiu-JItsu
In a tournament, you are typically grappling against someone your own size and skill level. Competing with those our same size and skill level is extremely beneficial in understanding the strengths and weaknesses in our techniques, which sometimes are not able to be executed when training with partners of different size or skill levels. We can take full advantage of tournaments by competing in our weight division, as well as, the absolute. That way, we can fully test ourselves with multiple body types and while experiencing an adrenaline dump.
Building Confidence
If something scares you, do it. Conquering your fears will make you feel stronger. There is great satisfaction in working toward something and then doing it. Confidence makes a huge difference in all areas of our lives, it also makes us appear less vulnerable to potential danger.
Making Friends and Having Fun
What might be regarded as a “scary” experience in the end is quite the opposite. Going into the match it might be hard to believe that the stranger you are about to grapple could possibly be your new best friend. It might not happen today, or tomorrow, but someday you will realize that she is just as scared, anxious and awesome as you are.
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